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Gurukula Curriculum

As any product needs to pass through the set process, similarly, to build up a total personality development of a child, through the learning process, the child has to be made pass  and  subjected to go  through the life experience,  which is termed as ” Curriculum”  a simile of a

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Gurukula at Work.

It is a fact that Gurukula becomes life and bubbling only when the children / Students are there on the campus. Then, on one side the campus gets charged with various activities and on the other side, it is also true that many challenges emerge along the long path of its six years journey

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Gurukula Education

Education has been an aspect which is on its move from time immemorial. Although it has an overall view, the objectives of Education can be viewed under two main facets. If one of which highlights the “Ideal factor” the other one tends to move towards the “need of the time

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Gurukula Education and its Approach

For India, the Gurukula pattern of Education is not new. It was well there and thriving until the invaders established their supremacy in our country. As the supremacy and its intention of overtaking and pushing down the traditional Gurukula pattern of Education gained upper hand, the so-called modern education was

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Gurukula Primary tasks and Notes

For a particular assignment with a Certain projected objective Aims and  Goals, corresponding primary tasks together with principle notes are to be chalked out an initial move for its future implementation and execution so as to be en route towards success. Later subsequently as the activities, situations and conditions develop more

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Gurukula General working and understanding

Usually, unlike other institutions and its working, the  Gurukula working and its understandings are quite unique. As the objectives, goals and aims carry a lofty, ideal, high expectations, the outcome of the results invariably becomes inversely low, slow and below expectations. This trend is quite natural and normal. Many a

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