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July 16, 2019 at 9:12 AM

Gurupoornima Day

“Gurupoornima Day”was on 16 th July 2019. This was the day our Shubham Karoti Maitryee Gurukula got Inaugurated. This was the day our Shubham Karoti Maitreyee Gurukula completed its 25 years of Service. It is this day paved its opening to start celebrating our Silver jubilee year celebrations before the next coming Gurupoornima of 2020.

This 25th Gurupoornima day celebration turned out to be a unique occasion.

We had Dr Chandrashekhar a renowned personality graced the status of Guru and blessed us all.

This was the first time two NGO organisation participated and blessed the children.

It was this day the 16 th July 2019, the announcement of our wish to add the next phase extension of Six Years of imparting Gurukula Education amounting to its Full 12 years of Gurukula education was announced.

Over all many new features emerged during this 25th Gurupoornima day of which the trip to Mangalore during February 2020 with all our Gurukula children attending the religions function taking with us “Five Crores ” of “Rama Japa ” to be offered in the Maha Yagna was the unique development all expressing the Grace of The Devine and its Blessings.

Shubham Bhuyaat.