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Phases of the Journey

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    PHASE ONE ( 1994 – 2002 )

    This covers the period from the start of the Gurukula dated 22nd July 1994 till the year 2002.  During this period, late Sri Ramdas M Kamat built up the Gurukula Campus and the Gurukula activities started successfully. In the initial period, the Well known Social Service Organization by name Hindu Seva Prathishtana offered their valuable service in setting up the Gurukula kind of Education and guidance.

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    PHASE TWO ( 2002 – 2014 )

    After the demise of Sri Ramdas M Kamat in the year 2002, the Gurukula activities were carried out satisfactorily with the guidance from Well known  Educationists and Well-wishers like Sri Suresh Kulkarni, Sri Prakash Kulkarni, Sri Purshottam etc.  In the Year 2000, the first batch of girls completed their 6 years of Gurukula Education and left Gurukula to continue their further college Education. By the year 2014, about 15 batches consisting about 300 students have completed their Gurukula Education.

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    In the Year 2014, Sri Pramod Kamat has retired from his Garment Export business activities. All though he was involved in the Gurukula activities right from its conception, opening and even running of the Gurukula the full-time involvement could happen from the year 2014. Since then the Gurukula activities emerged more intensively, together with the Matrushrees ( Teachers ) and with the Guidance from the Educationists and Well Wishers.



As of today, about 300 girls have undergone Gurukula Education. Later they have perused their college Education in different fields. While many of them have chosen to become software engineers they are now serving in many National and Multi-National Companies and earned a good name and reputation. Some have also diversified into many other fields like Doctors, Chartered Accountants, Advocates, Teaching professions, in Arts field and few privately on their own like starting Bharata Natyam classes, Medical consultancies etc. By now many of them have got married and leading a respectable family life carrying on proudly our Indian Culture, its Ethos and National Pride.

A Note

Although the Degree of Benefits varies,  the least of the benefits that can certainly be expected is, an economically backward girl is empowered to take care of not only herself but she becomes a bread earner and can even become capable to maintain the family with respect and dignity.



The Future looks very Positive. It may seem, that in proportion to the mission undertaken, the six years of Gurukula education may be too tiny or even not viable. However, it is to be noted that the Gurukula Education makes the children pass through the Logical, Practical,  Natural and systematically designed Educational Process which has to be viewed like the formations of the potentials getting developed in the seed form. Further by the end of the 6 Years, the seed would have sprouted and become a plant. Later  In due course in their adulthood with support and care from their family, they will progress, like a plant becoming a tree. Out of many even if a few of them would turn up fruitfully it can be a great achievement and impact.



It is a fact that if a right kind of inputs is imbibed during the childhood, it is sure to remain throughout the adulthood and its residual will remain in the old age too. The strong foundation laid during the child hood can even sustain the adversities of the future. Some of the apparent qualities and the noble benefits which can be observed and noticed during the six Years of  Gurukula Education are as follows.

  • Self Confidence, Self-reliance, and undertaking of responsibilities.
  • Good behaviour, Conduct, Discipline, Boldness and obedience.
  • Active participation in all activities and studies.
  • Self-thinking, Self-study, Self-discrimination Power.
  • Fluency in the expression of Speech and thought.
  • A strong Memory, Concentration and Grasping Power.